Broadstone West Dallas
Four exciting urban neighborhoods come together at Broadstone West Dallas, leading to the community’s tagline, More To Explore. To reinforce this positioning, a Google compass graphic was used throughout the marketing campaign, and copy was directed toward millennial renters just beginning to explore their social and career options. Environmental graphics in the Leasing Center supported the messaging as well. TPA also proposed the bubble wall behind the leasing desk that is a signature element of the lobby design.
CAMPAIGN COMPONENTS: Logo & Theme Line // Wayfinding Signage // Environmental Graphics // Website // Collateral Materials

During site excavation, a number of antique bottles and pavers were unearthed. The development partner asked TPA to research the history of the bottles and to propose an elegant way to display them in the clubhouse. Our research led to discovering that the site was once located at the heart of Freedmen’s Town, a vibrant black community in the 1920’s and now a National Historical District. The bottles were lit from below and displayed in custom-designed cases alongside historical photos from the era. The pavers were inserted under glass in the passageway connecting the bottle displays, accompanied by information about their manufacture and origin.